Here is a word cloud of what attendees listed as their favorite ABCD resources. Below are links to some of the resources mentioned.

Navigating the Power Dynamics between Institutions and their Communities– Byron White, ABCD Institute
Digital Leaky Bucket (DLB) is an online version of this economic-analysis tool that Coady graduates have been using with communities.
Facilitating an Asset-based Community-driven (ABCD) Approach for Holistic Community Development. A Manual for Community Organising: World Agroforestry Centre
When People Care Enough to Act– Mike Green, Henry Moore, and John O’Brien
Inspiring Communities resources
Top 100 Partners –
- Jeder Institute adaption in English & Bahasa –
SEWA Jeevika: An Asset-Based Approach to Community Development: A manual for village organizers
SEWA Jeevika: Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation: A manual for village organizers