Mole Chapman: Thoughts on Vulnerablility and Leadership Activity
“When change is done to people they experience it as violence; when change is done by people they experience it as liberation” Beth Moss-Kanter. It was such an honour to share my thoughts at this year’s gathering, but slightly terrifying … Continue reading →
Food for growth
As I explain in a recent blog; The sap is rising: “Having cleared the paths and weeded the beds, I’m now starting to look ahead to the autumn with deliberate intent! Essentially the sap is rising and with it the energy … Continue reading →
Quotation: Molly Carlile
If I’ve learned one thing in the past months it has been to save the energy I used to expend on being angry about injustice and put that energy into thinking and feeling joy, prosperity, sustainability, health and justice for … Continue reading →
People with disabilities leadership
At a time of major cutbacks, services are being asked to do even more with less. Ironically this has led to counting fish more assiduously, while still ignoring people’s individual potential to fish. The world is changing at an incomparable … Continue reading →
Workshop Conversation 1
Disability Equality: the voice of a movement While I think we can all agree every person with disability is an individual; as a group people with disabilities in general face a specific type of disadvantage that non-disabled people may not … Continue reading →
Workshop Conversation 2
Equality and Diversity : Multiple experiences This conversation should help people develop an understanding of multiple labels. In simple terms, people will be invited to think about the advantages and disadvantages they have experienced by being part of different groups. … Continue reading →